Upcoming Events

Kartoffel Pfannenkuchen Abendessen
 - June 7th, 5-7 pm

The Potato Pancake Supper is Back!
After a four-year hiatus, the annual Potato Pancake Supper will resume on Friday, June 7, from 5 to 7 pm. Tickets will be available starting Sunday, May 5 or RSVP at the link below.

We are hoping to bring this Bethlehem tradition back with a bang and have it be something the whole family can enjoy. Along with the delicious potato pancakes there will be “regular” flour pancakes for any kids that may be picky eaters. We will also have a bounce house and face painting for the kids to enjoy while the adults catch up and visit.

We look forward to seeing you once again at the 65th Annual Bethlehem Lutheran Potato Pancake Supper!
Adult tickets are $12, children ages 6-12 are $6, and children under 6 eat free. All children’s tickets will be sold at the door.

Adult Information/New Member Classes Start June 10th.

Our adult information class covers the most important teachings of the Bible as they are believed, taught, and confessed here at Bethlehem. It is designed for anyone considering membership at Bethlehem Lutheran Church and for members of the congregation who would like a thorough review of basic Biblical doctrine. So mark your calendar and plan to join us on Mondays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, starting June 10th. Classes run for 10-12 sessions.

VBS June 18-21st - The Lions of Babylon

It’s that time of the year again to start thinking about VBS. The Board of Education is excited to introduce this year’s theme, The Lions of Babylon. The kids will follow along through the Book of Daniel as they learn about the exile to Babylon and how God cared for His people.

The dates for this year’s VBS will be Tuesday, June 18 through Friday, June 21. Each night will last from 5:00 - 8:00 pm, with dinner from 5-6 pm. And this year Pastor will be offering a Bible class for the adults during kids' activities. So, there will be something for everyone.

So mark your calendars for this exciting VBS experience. To sign your child up click the registration button below or sign them up on the form located in the Parish Hall.

VBS Volunteer Workday is scheduled for Saturday, June 15, 9:00-2:00 pm (lunch included). Please sign up to volunteer at the link here .

The Ghost Town Gazette

Find out the latest happening here at Bethlehem by reading our monthly newsletter, the Ghost Town Gazette.

All potential articles or news items must be given to the office by the 15th of each month. 

If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please fill out the form below  and submit to subscribe.
If you would like to receive a digitial copy emailed to you, please fill out the form below and submit to subscribe.

Lattest Editions of the Gazzette
